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觀看紀錄 清空
圖片 X
清教徒 358播放 正片


  • 主演: 赫尔穆特·贝格 Mattia.Sbragia 
  • 导演: Nini.Grassia 
  • 分类: 三級片
  • 地区: 意大利 
  • 年份: 1989 
  • 2023-12-23
  • 短评: 这部电影以安娜贝拉 (玛吉牛顿),一名律师,她的客户,一个年轻吸毒者在一家康复诊所之一的床边开始。他死前,他告诉她她在哪里可以找到录音的日记披露一直在这个小镇的所有可怕的秘密。她决定留下来和它很快就会
The movie starts with Annabella (Margie Newton), an attorney, by the bedside of one of her client, a young drug addict in a recovery clinic. Before he dies, he tells her where she can find a taped diary disclosing all the terrible secrets that have been going on in this small town. She decides to stay and it soon appears that she is seeking revenge upon all those who had harmed...


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