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      To the outside world Joanne is just a book-store owner, but the Conspiracy knows different. She's dangerous. She's a bellwether: a quiet leader who is well on her way to being her whole self. When they kidnap her to break her to make her conform, they discover that Joanne is something so much more than even she ever knew. Joanne is a feminist, one-room, one-character elevated genre thriller. It is a modern rite of passage story which most women have to go through to become a whole human being: How does one be oneself in the face of massive misogyny and hatred (both overt and institutionalized). It is also the world's first one-person film (a movie with only one on-screen character) that features a woman.


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    • 324播放 正片 怖谷鸟 亨特·莎弗,贾恩·布卢特德,马尔顿·索克斯,杰西卡·亨维克,丹·史蒂文斯,米拉·刘,格蕾塔·费尔南德斯,波斯·曼达尼,阿斯特丽德·伯格斯-弗瑞斯贝,康拉德·辛格,卡琳·莫罗
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